Time sure flies when you're having fun. This week we started our Trip to Outer space. Yes, every year I have some frantic student ask the big question"How far are we going in outer pace"? Concerned about this imaginary trip they will tell me their mom or dad does not want them to go. I can't laugh,they are dead serious. I explain that it is in their imagination and we are going to PRETEND to go to outer space. That takes care of that problem. I have collected at garage sales and thrift stores over the years all kinds of space toys. I have a whole plastic tub full of ideas and books. Only a few years ago, I started putting my material in tubs and marking them. Sure makes teaching allot eaiser. The only problem is storage. Oh well it's worth it. Next week will be even more fun when I pull out all the books on aliens and they get to make their own alien book. Fun, fun, fun, what can I say. May will be here and our unit on the ocean and vacation land will wrap it up. Every year I choose and island theme and really go all out. I have often said that my students haven't had the opportunities of most four and five year old so......
That's my job, to bring it to them. Here's some questions I ask myself today. What is my personal spiritual creed? What beliefs sustain me through difficult times? What does being a child of God an heir with Christ (Romans 8:15-17) mean to me? My answer to all of these is......
Being the best teacher I can for the love of God and his people on this earth (especially his little ones). Maybe my love for God will spill over and I can show his love through teaching. I pray that you as teachers can see and feel the love of God when you are with your students doing the best job you know how. Praise God for all your gifts. And.....use them!
That's my job, to bring it to them. Here's some questions I ask myself today. What is my personal spiritual creed? What beliefs sustain me through difficult times? What does being a child of God an heir with Christ (Romans 8:15-17) mean to me? My answer to all of these is......
Being the best teacher I can for the love of God and his people on this earth (especially his little ones). Maybe my love for God will spill over and I can show his love through teaching. I pray that you as teachers can see and feel the love of God when you are with your students doing the best job you know how. Praise God for all your gifts. And.....use them!