My Summer vacation

WOW! It is already July 15 and the summer is half over. I was blessed with a Tour of the Italian
coastline from Naples to Sorrento and Capri. I suggest you just go to the last two areas and stay for 5 days. It is beautiful and fun. When leaving Sorrento we stopped off in Pompeii a tourist town with a city of ruins and a Cameo Factory. Guess where I stayed while the tour hiked the ruins, yes, you quessed it...I went shopping. In this part of Italy they grow lemons. Lots and lots of lemons. That was very insight. The lemons are bigger than grapefruit. You could find most anything made from lemon especially Lemoncello. I was not to impressed with the favor. Then the tour took us to Rome and the Vatcian City. That was quite exciting, since I have Cathloic roots. The ruins in Rome are awesome, but I would rather shop.
One thing I did learn that the people of Rome love to write......all over everything, even beautiful building and historic sites. Why? It was very upsetting to me. It ruins the beauty of the city.
Next we flew to Athens where there is and under current of unrest. I did not see and Island because of the strikes they were having. I forgot to say, I traveled with my sister and we had fun just being together. No need to go to Greece......stay in Italy. I did not go to any ruins.... I shopped or relaxed under shady trees or shops with air conditioning. We did travel with a really fun group. and we had lots of good food and fun shopping in the Plaka old town plaza. Thank you God for giving me the experience of travel. I feel teachers need to see the world to break the burn out of the year. It's hard to save,but, well with it.
I have returned and settled in to teaching a special class of Pre-K students I had this year that are in need of just a little more time to develop. That was a Gift from God ,because, I was ready to get back to school. I'm planning a 10 day trip to see my 2 year old Grandson and then we will be starting back to school.... I start smelling crayons at this point of school. I call it CRAYON FEVER. It's a good thing!!!! Well that sums up my summer. Hope yours is going well.
Rest your little hearts and bodies so you will be able to concur what may come you way in August. May God give you these gifts of respite. He is so great. See you in September.