Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How did it get to be Jan. 26? Things are really moving along! Everyone in the class knows the social rules....Yeah. Finally the rules soaked in. Fifteen boys and five girls is not a good mix and I must constantly remember that boys and girls do not mature at the same rate. We are now studying about Winter. It doesn't snow in San Antonio so teaching about winter snow and activities can be a challenge. Oh but technology has take a big role in finding clips of kids playinging the snow, sledding. and skiing. The students love the big screen images. To change the subject.
My husband meet a wonderful Author on ebay, her name is Meryl Erlanger. She has published two series of children's books one is, George and Gracie (two little terriers) who go to live in the big city of New York. She also has a series about some adorable Abacus called "Hooves and Kisses".
She has an interactive site of both series and it's really good. Look her up. Her books are delightful. It's always fun to fund new literature for my students. I think she will have the "New Dogs" on the block. Move over Clifford.
Hope you are having a good year. Would love to hear from you and your thoughts about these new books. Talk to you later. God Bless!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fun times begin.

It was the best day ever!! I had a tired little group, but they were really happy to be back in school. One mother told me her son asked every morning of the holiday, "Is it school today?" He even got mad a couple of times. He was really ready to come back. WOW! That made my day. Please God guide me to be the best teacher everyday. It's not always easy but it's worth it!!!! I posted the picture to make you laugh. I'm silly and like it that way. So do my students. Thank you Lord for giving me humor. It feels so good to laugh. I pray for you as teachers to just be silly sometimes and enjoy what you do in the name of the Father. Amen.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year! Tomorrow will be a very exciting day. My students will be wanting me to know everything that happened over the holiday. Some will have a hard time remembering the rules and everything they learned before Christmas. It's okay. As teachers that's what we are called to do......RECALL. I hope my students surprise me and we hit the road running . I"m going to take a day to just listen and recall. Pre-k is suppose to be a language building experience, isn't it? I am all excited to see them all. I"m sure they have grown allot and are glad to be back at school. Hopefully!
I needed the rest and I feel like a new person. I think that's what the Holidays are all about,resting. With my new and energetic mood I think I will be in good shape to do my job well.
Results of time and growth are so exciting for teachers. They will be taller and wiser and ready to learn more since they are more mature after Holidays .
So what's on your agenda? I hope you have fun the first day back. Just listen and laugh and make sure you get those manners and rules back in place. I pray for all of you. Have a wonderful day back and look forward to the wonders of maturity your students will exhibit. Isn't God great! Show Gods love in all that you do. Go for it, in his name Amen.