Yes, I finally gave up my Title of Teacher of young children. I did not give up the title of God's Teacher of love. Kinda has a good ring to it!!!!!
Let's think about my past month…..designed watercolors from pictures of historic Hispanic Tiles from Famous San Antonio Artist from the 50's. Here are some.
I didn't stop there… on to painting canvas shoes with acrylics. Oh how much fun are they to design. First design was a Lilly Pulitzer inspired pair for myself. Since I can't afford a lot of "Lilly" apparel I just made my own. Big success !!! Then came the Ocean scene…the the Nantucket…then the Peligan…then another Lilly and the Fiesta Flowers.. Now working on a pair with 14 grandchildren made with 14 different boys and girls stick figures for a grandmother. When I paint I pray….I think of the joy God has given me. I think of my children, friends and family and I pray. Painting and praying wow what joy is that????? So who knows what will come next. I am having fun with God's gifts to me and enjoying the time of retirement.

I pray for all my friends who are just getting out of school. My sweet friends take time to relax and smell the flowers. I pray you have a JOY filled summer so that you can be the best helpers God has out there doing his job on earth……teaching His children!! God Bless You and have fun!!! I am!
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