Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wow!!! School has started and I am now in the labor pains of birthing the class of 2010-11.
They are a challenge for which I will conquer. Sounds like an ole Carly Simons song....I am Women. It's going to take a little bit more to manage 15 boys and 5 girls! Some of my old tricks are coming back to me. Sing, sing, sing. They all love singing and dancing. More exercise outside
and lot of good learning "playtime". It's just the 4th week of school and I've been out of the classroom 2 and a half days. Not good for consistency. Try not to be abscent the first month.
Be there every day reinforcing everything you know of. This is their first experience with real school. Go slow....get to know them.....slow sterness but lots of love. God I am trying everything you have taught me in the teaching field. Is there something I've forgotten? I need to hear from you Lord fast. God is with each and everyone of us all day long and night. Teachers don't forget to pray and ask for the things you need right now. I bet your need patience, clamness, love and devotion to get the job done well. Best of luck and may God bless you this school year!!!!